Born from a flower sprouted from a magical barleycorn, Thumbelina began life as merely a tiny human. But after many adventures she became a fairy when she set foot in the enchanted Vale. All the Fairies count themselves lucky to have such a kind, generous, and beautiful new Princess.
Headstrong young Cornelius has found love at last with his lovely bride Thumbelina. Dashing, daring, and a bit impetuous, this Prince sometimes has trouble staying at home to tend to his Royal duties.
Level-headed and sensible, the King Of the Fairies has his hands full with his rash young son and his fretting wife. But his people are unhesitant to put their faith in their noble King, whom they know always pulls them through.
Although she is prone to worrying over her family, Tabitha is not one to hen-peck (fortunately for the King). She is a magnaminous soul who looks after all her people as if they were her own relations.
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