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Welcome to the Rough House, the prime hangout for the characters of that great, famous comic strip, Popeye, created by E.C. Segar.

This page focuses on the strip, animated series, the liveaction movie, and any other Popeye-related phenomonon I can think of to put here!

Now, allow me to introduce you to your tour guides: Mr. J. Wellington Wimpy, and Mr. George G. Geezil.

Bah! Why is it that Wimpy goes first before me?

Well, because although he's a supporting character, he is a bit more widely recognized.

You mean, he is a bit more wide, period!

I don't believe I have had the pleasure of meeting you, sir. What was the name?

Pooey! It is this old game again? Geezil! I am George G. Geezil, the shoe gobbler! I gobble shoes!

Pleased to meet you, Mr. Wright. Jones is my name--I'm one of the Jones boys.

Not Wright! Geezil! G-E-E-ZIL!

I'm afraid you'll have to speak up; I am a bit deaf.

BAH! Flies in my soup! Why does not someone kill you and do us all a favor?

Now boys, this is a child-friendly site: No one will be killing anyone. Especially not Wimpy.

Why not?

Because he's my favorite character, that's why.

Ah! My good woman, you are a gem! The acme of femininity! I thrill at your proximity--

Yeah. Sure you do. And now, let's get this show on the road!

...Should be killed to death!

Homage To Wimpy
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Look at this MUTTS strip! Hee!

(One of my other very favorite strips of all time, btw. Yesh!)

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This page and its contents are copyright C. "Sparky" Read. The characters portrayed here are owned by King Features Syndicate and used without permission.