- "Bridge Over the River Winter"
- This is a story to bridge the gap between the movie and the cartoon series. How did Lydia and Beetlejuice become friends? This story also explains a few other small discrepencies, but I don't feel that I am finished. If I wind up adding anything to this, I will put a notice here indicating that the story has been updated.
- "As I Live And Breathe"
- Ever wondered what would happen if Beetlejuice was a mortal and Lydia
was a ghost? Well, I have. ;^) This story turned out to be kind of weird but
hey, it's not as if the series wasn't.
The 'N' Files
Why would Beetlejuice try to hide part of his past from Lydia? And who is that mysterious beautiful stranger? And just how far will a student go for a workstudy job? Find out...
- Prologue
- A teaser for the series.
Works In Progress
- The 'N' Files - Getting Testy
- Someone has been distributing the answers to the final exams...only the semester hasn't even started yet! Is the perpetrator a psycho, or a psychic? Can Beetlejuice and Frizzi crack the case? Will Ghoul School ever be the same again? Will Beetlejuice ever get his financial aid forms filled out? Only time (and possibly the janitor) will tell...
- The Accent-dental Tourists
- Ooh la la, Jacques' accent has been stolen! It's up to Beetlejuice, Ginger, and the crew of Cap'n Kidder's ship to track it down. Preview
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This page maintained by Cynthia "Sparky"
Read (sparky@theneitherworld.com).