Here are all the pictures that I had Sparky scan in for me. If you want to steal them well...I can't stop you, can I? Of course it would be nice if you gave me credit on your page but--What? Give Sparky credit? For what? She never does anything good! Now excuse me I have to have Sparky make me some more graphics...

Me & Panic

Me in my Air-Hercs!
(Hey, I still think they were dashing.)

Look at me, I can turn into a bug in freefall!

Panic, settle down!

Hades didn't have to melt my Air-Hercs...

A few seconds later...


Me & Panic--The Early Designs

Hm...Panic doesn't look so good in red...

Woah, did I look like that??
(Sorry its so faint)

I think we would have looked cool like this!

Woah...I look mean!

Boy am I glad they didn't stick with this...

Can you believe this little creep was supposed to be me?


Us with the boss.

Here are a bunch of screengrabs Larissa took of me in action!

Panic's always picking on me.

Service with a smile!

That is too gross!

I still say I'm a brilliant actor.

And I wanted to be a chinchilla!

What do I look like, a squeezie toy??