Real Name:
Dipwing Dork
We dunno. He just enjoys running around in a silly hat, apparently. Oh wait, Negs wears that hat too...Uh, make that a silly purple hat!
Base of Operations:
St. Canard
Wanted For:
Interfering with perfectly good overthrow-the-world-or-at-least-the-city plans; Over-use of alliterations; Getting most of the screentime
Origin Episode:
Darkly Dawns the Duck
Yeah. Like I'm gonna ramble on and on about Darkmeat on a Fearsome Five page.
Voiced by:
Jim Cummings

Listen to the voices inside your computer...

(Ah who wants to listen to that pathetic duck whine, anyways?)

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Dipstick is copyright © Disney. This page maintained by Cynthia "Sparky" Read.