
Yup, there was Grimley stuff available Once Upon A Time. Nowadays it's all Once Upon An Online Auction. Here's a list of items I've seen around the web.

Ed Grimley Handheld Game by Tiger
OMG. I want one right NOW. I never saw one of these as a kid. I have a similar game for Inspector Gadget, which I believe was a send-away with a cereal company. I don't know if this was the same deal.

TCMMoEG Lunchbox/Thermos
I have one of these. :^) (Image from Josovitz's)

Ed Grimley Doll With Suction Cups
I stuck mine to the outside of my snake's tank. (Image from The Freakshow)

Ed Grimley Talking Doll
Yes, there was a talking Ed Grimley Doll. Mine watches over me while I sleep. (Image from The Freakshow)


This site maintained by C. "Sparky" Read. No, she doesn't know why.