
The Monstress


Name: Just Monstress Across the Street
Profile: She's no tenderfoot
Status: Furry
Catchphrase(s): "Well ain't that the most tarhootinest thing you ever heard?"
Identified by: Knack for accessorizing; Fickle pet ownership

I'm not sure which street the Monstress lives across, but she manages to hang around the Roadhouse nonetheless. She and the Monster Across the Street make the cutest couple since Doomie and Pinky, although Poopette, Poopsie's beau, has not been seen since the Monstress' first episode (my guess is that she was just walking Poopette for a friend). The Monstress is as amiable as her boyfriend, but has a much quicker temper, and woe be to any female who dares come between her and her little 'cactus-dumplin'...

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