I've seen this one for Playstation
The game's opening sequence gives us a glimpse into Casper's happy afterlife, cavorting about the front lawn of Whipstaff (or perhaps Applegate Manor) with his ten multiculteral, human child friends while the Trio watch in disgust. We port to a shot of Kibosh, equally if not more disgusted, watching the scene via magic. Kibosh has had it up to here with the friendly ghost and activates a conveniently-placed teleporting device which sucks the ten kids - and the Trio - into a magical vortex, scattering them around the globe. Of course, it backfires and sucks Kibosh in as well...
Now you, as Casper, must traverse the world rescuing your displaced friends and collecting pages of a mapbook in order to progress from level to level. Along the way, you will have to fight your uncles, who have been placed under a spell by Kibosh (when the green guy had time to do that is anyone's guess). You can rescue all ten of your friends without having to battle Kibosh, but if you go the extra mile (by collecting all 10 crystals hidden throughout each of the ten levels) you will advance to a bonus level where you can duke it out with that most evil of spirits. (I myself am too lazy. ;)
Try to avoid the hazards
Use special powers to get to hard-to-reach crystals
Fight off unfriendly ghosts
Wrest prizes away from the Trio by playing simple games.
I have to say it, this is a pretty lame game. It doesn't even have the appeal of good characters to keep it going - the Casper in here is sickeningly cute, and giggles constantly (you might want to turn the sound off). The Trio, as each is freed from his enchantment, are much too nice to Casper (although Stretch at least is rather cavalier). In any case, maybe hunting for crystals poses at least a tiny bit of a challenge - and perhaps battling Kibosh is difficult - but all in all this game is rather bland.
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