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~ Fanfic ~
I only wrote one of these so far (many years ago). Now, I'd like to write sme more, but they just don't write spam like they used to! Spam is always very short or all constituted of graphics, that's how they get past spam filters. So if I ever find a good, longish piece of spam, I'll write up another episode. (Okay, for the uninformed, this series is based on 'Mystery Science Theater 3000', a show where a guy and three robots are forced by mad scientists to watch horribly cheesy movies; but they console themselves by making fun of the film as they watch. You didn't even need to know that to read WST3K, but now you do, and that makes you More Than You Were...or something. My brain!)
This site and its contents ©2005 Cynthia "Sparky" Read. Casper and related characters ©Harvey Entertainment Company except where otherwise noted. Please do not take any content from this page for reproduction in any form without permission.